Tick Tock…The Clock Strikes 6…The Lion Men, Warning Signs…The Hollow Earth

The Clock keeps ticking, The Wheels turning…
Feel it spin, where it stops, no one knows.
And things heat up…more ways than one…
The hours, the days, the weeks…
Watch…they burn…

What is it about June?
The Summer Solstice, yes of course…
I’d keep an eye on that…
You did ask WHEN, after all…
I’m not saying anything precise, just telling
You the point of no return…and things
Really speed up. When time seriously begins
Its re-alignment.
This time, you’ll feel it.
And yes, for some it may hurt.

The warning signs as things draw near…
The closer the pulse gets…
People who are not in tune, or more specifically
Made their choices…their path…
For the true of Heart, things will get easier…
Believe it or not.
Especially for those with the Mark…

But for others, the blind, the weak, the stupid…
Yes, Big Brother I do mean you…
They will grow incredibly unstable…
Tempers flare, people will be volatile, and snap.
It could get very ugly, very bloody.
Please be careful and beware.
Relationships will suffer…
Those not meant to be together will struggle
More until they are split or torn apart.
Don’t be surprised if you hear of A LOT of
Break ups…think of it as clearing the way
For true soul mates to find where they belong.
So if you’re with the WRONG person, be prepared
To say good bye.
Problems with bosses, associates, even on the road…
Will increase. If people hate what they’re doing
They will hate it even more in June.
When it rains, it pours…where there’s smoke there’s fire…
Watch for fires and floods in June…Warning signs…
Supernatural forces will be restless…watch out.
They know their time is nearly up.

On a brighter note…the Lion Men, and Friends
Will arrive in June in greater number…
Again, the Summer Solstice…
I’ve only encountered their Ascended Masters,
But the Warrior Class will arrive in greater
Numbers to ensure the protection of the 500,000…
As well as carry out acts of justice on those bullies…
I warned you, best behavior…
Their claws will be out when they come…and ready.
The Warrior Class may look friendly, but they
Aren’t coming to play games…
And they don’t recognize apologies, mistakes…
I’ve attached an image of one, White Lion Man…
Of the Warrior Class, the Masters wear robes.
Their friends, believe it or not, resemble something
Of Hawks, Hawkmen…the head of a Hawk-like Eagle,
With the body like that of a man…though with talons…
This is a sacred order, ancient…they do not come
Out often. But when they do, it’s important…
Apparently, the Lion Men have secretly
Visited the Earth before.
They are drawn to pure hearts, evolved souls…
They most commonly visited monks of the Far East.
Hush, a secret now.
This may sound crazy, but they were involved in
The creation of the Siamese breed of cat.

I was told to get one of those cats.
They were bred to be unlike any ordinary cat.
Possessing senses, eyes and ears that could sense
Guests…For communication with these Lion Men.
The Seal Points resemble many of their Shamans…
The blue eyes, dark faces. I don’t quite understand
The genetics here….. But apparently to own a
Siamese is the equivalent of a witch’s familiar…

Anyway, their primary goal is to protect the
500,000…many of which are children…
No patience for bullies. And you’ll be pleased to
Know they are immune to dark magic…Nice, Huh?
Too bad for you, Big Brother.

Other signs to watch for…
As the planet has moved…
Unpredictable weather…remember, watch the
Mississippi…the storms haven’t even arrived yet…
And it’s earthquakes that will trigger its widening
Into a sea.

This means climate change…
As the planet prepares for the next ice age.
Fortunately, they are granting a gradual process
In this way…but the winters will be longer…
Summers shorter…you’ll see.

Australia will be one of the few safe havens less
Effected this way, however it will suffer far worse
When refugees flood there when tsunamis and quakes
Ravage Asia.
And it may be the only way for the survival of
Wild elephants…move them to Australia, it will be
The only safe place for them in the wild.

And now…
The Hollow Earth…
The Legends, the Myths…the Facts…
Cities beneath our feet for ages…peoples
Of lost civilizations…and Alien colonies…
Not to mention all those allegedly fortified
Hidden bunkers…
Designed of course to survive a surface assault…
A secret for a few…
A haven for the rich and powerful, leaders…
But in truth…Rat Traps.

You see, when something like the Pulse hits…
You wouldn’t want to be underground…
Because the Pulse will hit the Earth’s core and
Radiate outward…in other words, underground
Worlds…will experience it far more intensely.
With no escape, they will be flushed out.
So don’t be surprised if UFO sightings and strange
Creature sightings increase…there’s no
Escaping this.
Mer-people, sea monsters…like Loch Ness,
Will also be flushed out and up…watch out.
All those corrupt cities underground will suffer

First and worst…under Africa, the Middle East.
Do you think these countries on the surface
Suffer wars for no reason? NO. The cities
Below, the corrupt and insidious dwellers play
With those above, they always have.

This is one of the last secrets…All those
Secret societies have bargains with all of the
Varied HollowEarthTerritories. Lies of course.
Which is why this time of justice is coming.
The Higher Powers have never witnessed so
Many lies, secret fake allegiances like those here.
As above, so below…they all lie to each other.
All have their own priorities, needs…greed.
People have suffered for too long because of it.

I’ve warned all of you, best behavior.
We’ll find out who the good guys really are.
Right now they are all so scared of each other.
They’ve been waiting for something like this
For all to break loose…for the rules to fall,
So they all can do what they want…
And they will…fast and hard. Scary, huh?

But hope still lies with the help coming…
The 500,000…the Lion Men.
And of course a few other little surprises
Still to come.

For now…I believe the time has come to shake
Things up some…For the Earth to shake…
Watch those earthquakes…
The Ring of Fire…
Rainbows of odd colors…
The Northern Lights will move and shine…
And still it seems to watch those shooting stars…
The floods, the rivers flow…
The surface will have its reckoning…

What is it about June? I’ve always hated it.
But I’ll explain that another time…
Enough for now…

Dear Mr. Spaceman…Honesty? Integrity?
Promises? Redemption? Make a stand.
I’m putting a lot on the line here. We all are.
Some help would be nice.

That’s all for now.